
Authcore can be installed in most GNU/Linux distributions and in a number of cloud providers.

Deploying to Docker

A sample docker-compose file can be referenced in deployments/docker-compose.yml.

To use Authcore in Docker, you need to alter several value in docker-compose.yml.

  • DATABASE_URL refers to the mysql database with mysql credentials and database name.

  • ADMIN_PASSWORD refers to the admin user password that is used in first-time installation.

  • ADMIN_EMAIL or ADMIN_PHONE refers to the admin email / phone that is used for the admin account.

  • AUTHCORE_CONFIG refers to the config file that authcore uses and defaults to be conf/authcore.toml.

To use a custom config file, you must setup the volumes in docker-compose file correctly to map your config file (authcore.toml) to /app/conf as shown in the example docker-compose.yml.

For security, you MUST setup different variable in authcore.toml. Refer to the configuration section for more details.

Deploying to Kubernetes using Helm

Install Helm

Follow the instructions to install Helm. Please note: the default Helm installation is insuecre. Follow this additional guide to secure Helm.

For a minimal installation:

$ kubectl create -f kubernetes/rbac-config.yaml
serviceaccount "tiller" created
clusterrolebinding "tiller" created
$ helm init --service-account tiller --history-max 200

Create a namespace for Authcore

$ kubectl create namespace authcore

Install Dependencies


Install MySQL:

$ helm install --namespace authcore --set imageTag=8.0 --set mysqlDatabase=authcore --name authcore-mysql stable/mysql

After installation, you need to create a secret for database URL providing to Authcore.

$ kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-literal=database_url=<database_url> --namespace authcore

<database_url> is mysql://root:<mysql-root-password>@<mysql_service>/authcore?parseTime=true

And put the <secret-name> in mysql.database_url.


Redis can be installed via dependency. If you want to install redis by your own configuration, you can do it by following.

Install Redis (optional):

helm install --namespace authcore --name authcore-redis stable/redis -f values.yaml

You must also set tags.install_redis and configuration in redis in values.yaml to false if you choose to customize install redis.

Install Authcore using Helm

Set up secret for accessing Authcore docker registry:

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry authcore-registry --namespace authcore --docker-username=<deploy-token-username> --docker-password=<deploy-token-password> --docker-email=<email>

Change the values in values.yaml to override default values for OAuth configuration, root keys etc.

$ helm install --namespace authcore --name authcore-app charts/authcore -f values.yaml

TLS configuration:

First add the TLS secret:

$ kubectl create secret tls ${CERT_NAME} --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert ${CERT_FILE}

then refer the TLS secret (and the hostname) in values.yaml

for the nginx ingress, a ingress controller must be installed.

Refer to for the ingress controller deployment guide.

Last updated

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